Friday, April 09, 2010


So, what best way to finish off the day after a good hike? With a meal of course. We were introduced to this Korean market that's furnished with food courts called Galleria. It's perfect because it's only 5 mins away from work also about the same distance from the trails.

We did this on Tue and Thu right after hike. It was a great treat to ourselves for the workout hehe Here's what we had. Don't remember what the names were... I love their food though, not salty at all and doesn't weigh me down. Best of all, they were reasonably priced as they give you a lot for what you paid.

Top: Mine: L: Tue, R: Thu
Bottom: JP's: L: Tue, R: Thu


Giffo Hoots said...

Ohhh looks nice, but how come got sushi lagi? @@ THe top left one looks like our local pan mee hehe

SJ said...

Yeah they also have Japanese food, sushi and udon, etc. The black noodle is black beans sauce I think, it's got fish in it. A lot of food, couldn't finish it :D