Friday, April 09, 2010


So, my co-worker and I made a pact that we'd try to stick on a new regimen. We did this last year and tried swimming (indoor), that lasted a couple of weeks or so hehe It was during winter I guess it didn't quite work out. This time around, we're trying hiking. It will be every other day, Sun-Tue-Thu after work during weekday, Sunday will be at 7AM. I've survived my first week so far.

First day always the hardest, it was Sunday and I woke up early, excited to take a hike! It wasn't that secluded as LA is way over-populated but it was nicely tucked in between developments. Here's a google satellite view. I didn't realize we covered quite a bit until I looked at the map and it's both ways! Quite impressive if I may say so myself haha not bad for a first-timer.
I really like the park, it's a gem in this housing jungle. It starts flat on a slow descent and there are picnic tables with nice big trees surrounding all over. Oh, the first day we came was Easter and the first thing I spotted was a little bunny! It was so adorable, quite tame too as it didn't run away until I got almost 5 feet close to it. It was quite chilly at around 51F but the walk/hike kept temperature at a comfortable level.

I thought I'd fuel my system with something good so while waiting for my friend to arrive, I chew on a protein bar. The first half is mostly cardio, going uphill I was barely catching my breath and panting like a furry dog on a hot sunny day. After we reached the end of the trail, going back down it was much much more tolerably and started to re-energnized, of course with the help of water to quench thirst. On the way back, I started to relax a little and took some pictures.

We took the Sesnon trail, I didn't see any Palisades trail. When looking at the map, the Palisades trail is another side of the street... will have to check that out some other time.

You're probably wondering why are most of the tree trunks all black or charred. This is the result of the Sesnon fire back in 2008. It was dangerously close to some of the houses surrounding it. As you can see, life goes on, flowers, bushes and other life starts flourishing since. Here are some wild flowers along the trail, quite colorful too... just it was a tad cloudy that morning and I was only using my phone to capture them.

There is also a small stream/creek all along the trail, not much water but enough to hear the trickling sound. It sounded really refreshing on a hot day.

There is an unfinished road along the trail that was wiped off during a flash flood. It's not too often to see streams or creeks around these areas so it's a nice change of scenery.

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