Sunday, May 27, 2012

Ee Poh's Trip from July 2011

So a month later, I went to pick up Ee Poh and Wee Ee from the airport on the last leg of their month long trip. They were to stay at my place for one night. Apparently, the airlines had damaged, or rather misplaced the handle attachment. After settling in, we decided to go out and do a local tour. I asked if they wanted to check out Ross as sometimes they do have good deals on brand name luggage, Ee Poh couldn't decide if she should get the bag. I told her to leave that as opt B as we will be going to Camarillo (again) the next day. After that, I took them to Porter Ranch where they have a huge strip of all sort of stores, but mainly Wee Ee wanted to go to Walmart.

She ended up buying a pair of sandals with large turquoise beadings that looked really nice. After the little shopping, Ee Poh wanted to go back to San Gabriel Valley to eat Chinese food, specifically lobster. They said the other visitors told them there was a Chinese restaurant that sells 99¢/lb lobster if you order a few dishes to go along with it...

Ta da -- all taken with phone:

It was quite late when we reached there, so there weren't too many people left. The restaurant is huge, spans across all of the 2nd floor of the building. Foods came out fairly fast and servers were kinda attentive.

As you can see from the after pictures, we hardly made a dent, except for the lobster dish. So I've got more leftover to ta pao :) Ee Poh made sure that I took this picture so everyone will believe the advertisement. It is unheard of until now. The drive back was filled with food price/lifestyle comparisons between here and Melbourne... and Quebec too.

The next morning, we set off to Camarillo so they can do more shopping. After touring to a few US destinations, they realized Camarillo has the larger outlet and better prices hehe What surprised me most is Ee Poh is still very strong and need no assistance whatsoever. Not only she is healthy in that regards, her mind is still sharp and very quick thinking. She even reminded me of the motorcycle exhaust pipe burn incident when I took Ah Ben out for a ride when we were little... I remembered that as well :)

So the quest of getting a new luggage back for Ee Poh, she wanted a very small one yet sturdy. Lee Ee recommended to get Samsonite, they were quite expensive, and she couldn't find anything else. After we were done shopping, we returned to Ross and get the initial bag that fitted her criterias as well as price was unbeatable, as they say.

Got back home, Ee Poh transferred all her stuff into the new bag and got themselves refreshed. We start driving to the airport as flight was scheduled to leave around 4:30PM. We stopped by a small Thai restaurant near the airport for lunch. They always commented on how big the portions were, but at this one, it's more proportionate as individual serving:
The tom yum soup was a disappointment, the pad thai was OK and the fried rice was mediocre, but it filled up our tummies. After lunch, I dropped Ee Poh and Wee Ee at the airport, gave our hugs and I even got an ang pau from Ee Poh for chauffering them :D

It was nice to have some relatives around even for a short period of time.


Giffo Hoots said...

Eh no photos together of you with them ah ?

SJ said...

During dinner on their 1st day got take at the table, but I think with Teik Ku's camera... they din share with me.....................