Monday, April 06, 2015

Biggest and Bestest Prank of 2015, and it was only February

When I received news and confirmation that I was going to be in HK late Jan, I immediately informed my sisters and cousins. Since I was going to make a detour home for a week after the business trip, I thought it would be nice to pay my parents a visit. They wouldn't possibly think that I would come home without telling them and this was precisely the best opportunity to surprise them!

My company pays for the flight from HKG-KUL, my initial plan was to visit PCC first and she said she could drive me home along with her mom and aunts that were staying with her that weekend. I'm glad I didn't choose this route, her car was small and I had one big luggage and backpack. I didn't think we'd all be comfortable for the long drive back to SP. I didn't want to spend so much time in car anyway. So, I booked a flight out to SIN to visit the kakilangs there. 

Coincidentally, Sean Ee was also in SIN that week taking care of Meagan, she was scheduled to leave for PEN the following Monday, I thought that was great timing because I could book the same flight and have Uncle pick us up and drop me off at the house since Sean Ee needs to pickup her car from Tua Ee's house.

The flights were booked at the last minute, the one from SIN-PEN cost so much more but it was worth it and glad I was able to catch the same flight as Sean Ee's and everything worked out in the end, total flights that one week (!):

On the first flight home, I didn't think I'd be emotional - it's really been almost nine years since my last visit in 2006. When touched down, I almost shed tears to be back in home country, only this time I bore a different passport hehe

I was tempted to look around for nasi lemak since my next flight wasn't for a few hours. I kept all the sisters and cousins updated and PCC informed I'd have to transfer to KLIA2 terminal for my next flight.

It wasn't hard to find the train at all, except that I have to purchase the ticket and I didn't have any RM on me, and the tix only costs RM2! I asked them to charge on the CC which took a couple of attempts but 15mins waiting at the kiosk holding up the line. Thankfully there weren't a lot of people.

Fast forward four days later, Sean Ee and I reached PEN, waited a bit for uncle to pick us up and headed back to SP. Everything changed in SP but surprisingly from the toll exit, I kinda gave direction to the house to uncle haha not bad still remember. But boy, so much developments and new roads everywhere.

In the car, Sean Ee called mom to wait for her to have lunch together, to ensure that she'll be home when we arrive. She also asked uncle to be involved in the prank, uncle was hesitant, he anticipate a lot of tears, he said he will tear up as well. Sean Ee was confident that there will be no tears, her words: "Mary bak eu teng eh" which roughly translates to: it'll be hard to squeeze any tears out of Mary. 

We arrived at the house after 2PM. Sean Ee and uncle got out the car first and Sean Ee went to the gate to greet mom, she said she brought something for her. Good thing is uncle's back windows were tinted so they couldn't exactly see me. As soon as mom unlocked the gate, I got out of the car and call her by her name a few times like how the lau langs would do. Her reaction was priceless and thank goodness I have it on video hahaha

Papa was just plain surprised, from his looks, he didn't quite understand how I was there. 

But best of all, and Sean Ee and I were wrong, mom's bak eu not so teng kekeke and here's the proof:

Bestest prank to date!

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