Sunday, October 09, 2011

In the mail, on the fridge

Yay, Happy Birthday to me -- not thrilled about getting older, but who's getting any younger, right? Received this from my youngest adik, just in time for my BDay. Good timing ya :) Terima Kasi for the declaration, so thoughtful of you hehe didn't take pic of the card lah some more got teko...

It was intended to be placed alongside all the magnetic souvenirs collected from travels or whatever, so there is its new home. Oh yea, you can also see some of the souvenirs from relatives down under :)


Giffo Hoots said...

Wah so ngam ah! I think it's been slightly more than 2 weeks since I posted it through snail mail. Ah well, at least it wasn't confiscated :D Have a great bday celebration!

SJ said...

Wah 2 weeks ago? That's a long time! Don't think customs will confiscate birthday card kut