Saturday, February 20, 2010

Year of the Tiger

Haven't been feeling like my old self the past couple of weeks. It was gloomy, definitely in the depressive state of mind which results to a ton of food binging. Can't pin-point exactly the cause of this condition but at the back of my mind, it's probably got to do with entering into a new year in accordance to the Chinese calendar which is the year of Tiger... mixed reviews for those born in the year of Monkey, some said it's a definite bad year while others said it's not bad.

I've never been the type to be superstitious nor do I even care about these predictions but it seems to be hitting me pretty hard this year. I even went to this Thai temple with a friend just 5 mins away from my house to pray on the second day of CNY. It was a nice change because I have not step foot into any temples since I was home which was in 2006, that's about 4 years' time. I joined the pray session then we ate the food that everyone brought. After that my friend asked one of the monk to see what's in store for me this year. He said it was going to be a very bad year in terms of financial, health, work and may encounter into auto accident. All of these issues will be hoovering up in the air until I turn 30.

So, that's another 8 more months to be extra careful. I sort of took it to heart and the monk said that he will perform a prayer for me, but I have to gather a whole bunch of stuff for the session and here's a list based on what I've remembered -- 30 flowers of a kind, 30 fishes preferably gold, 30 dollars, he will also need white fabric about 6 feet. I also need to provide all the nails from my fingers and toes, some hair, a drop of blood and also a cut out of fabric from an old pair of shirt and pants that I've worn. All this was meant to 'kill' me so all the bad things that tagged me will die along with me. After that I will be born again... and we have to do all this on a Thursday which was the day I was born.

I took all these information in and then the more I thought about it, the more skeptical I was getting. I've been through so many years before I think I can handle this one without having to kill anyone, literally or not, myself especially. So, maybe that's why I was feeling gloomy. I wasn't in the mood to do anything, didn't feel like working, didn't feel like cooking, nothing at all. But, yesterday for one reason or another, after work, I felt like a burden has lifted off my shoulders. I don't know why. Then after that it rained, I knew the rain was coming but it was so exhilarating, I felt as if the rain has washed away all my worries.

With a good night sleep, as cliché as it may sound, I found myself renewed (Saturdays are usually reserved for sleep-ins, etc), but today we went out to iHop for breakfast then after that drove to Burbank to buy two boxes of Krispy Kreme, then after that to Van Nuys to get Boston Market for dinner. Stopped by at my friend's house to deliver her a box of donuts to thank her for her friendship. Then off to the bank to get some money. It may sound like a food-filled day, I admit it was, but I don't think it was a form of denial or anything like that, because I eat when I'm sad, I eat when I'm happy, I eat for no reason haha I'm just a food addict.

Well, here are some food pictures -- oh at Boston Market, because we have to wait for the chicken noodle soup to be cooked, the manager offered free drinks, how awesome is that!
Krispy Kreme Production Line

On the way home, we stopped by the Vietnamese/Chinese temple which is only 3 blocks away from my house. I totally forgot about this place when I first discovered it years back when we first moved to the SFV area when it was still under construction. My friend took me to this temple last week after the Thai temple to just visit it, and it was a gem! Who would have thought there are two temples within 3 miles radius from where I live!! Incredible. I feel so at home :)

It's not a big temple like the ones that I'm used to back home, but it's not that bad at all especially in a residential area.

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